Checking Crash Report
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Checking Crash Report

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Article summary

If the application under test crashes, then the user will be able to see "Capture Error Data" icon on right pane of screen. Once the user clicks it, he/she will be able to see the captured error data next to the device and also find a download button. Click on the download button to download the zip file which will have the video & logs.

Note: The user will need to enable the log to get crash report


  1. Once the device is connected, select "Logs" on the Right Docking Section.
  2. Click on Enable Logs. You will be able to see the Logs once it is enabled.
  3. Now you are ready to capture every detail when an app crashes.
  4. Incase the app crashes a Crash Logs Tab will appears with the Crash report.
  5. You can click on the Download icon to download the crash report henceforth.

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