Resigning App for Installation
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Resigning App for Installation

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Article summary


How Re-Signing Works?

On iOS, we replace the embedded provisioning profile with a wildcard profile and resign the app. Resigning the iOS app results in the removal of certain entitlements. This includes App Group, Associated Domains, Game Center, HealthKit, HomeKit, Wireless Accessory Configuration, In-App Purchase, Inter-App Audio, Apple Pay, Push Notifications, and VPN Configuration & Control.

To ensure the complete testing of your iOS application, we suggest you test the application on a physical iOS device before testing on our device cloud or ask dev team to add the UDID’s to developers profile and rebuild the ipa to test on pCloudy devices.

Tips while using Automated Signing:

  • Follow Apple Guidelines while configuring build parameters.
  • Build and Archive the application with Target as Generic Device.
  • Make sure Archived IPA file name does not have spaces/special characters.

Note: Resigning server will work only if the Bundle ID is 'com.*'. If you have any other Bundle ID, resigning will not work. You have to then resign using manual resign process using UDID approach given below or change the Bundle ID to 'com.


By the end of this documentation you will learn how to Resign an iOS App on the pCloudy platform

  1. Login to the platform with your registered Email ID and Password
  2. Select the "My Data" option from the side panel.
  3. On the "My Data" Page, Click on the "Upload File" button.
  4. Select the App, click on the Three dots of the Apple icon present under Action and Click on "Re-sign" icon.
  5. Resigning process will start as shown in the video.
  6. Click on ("+") sign to verify if resigned application is generated.
  7. You can see the application with “Resigned” tag.
  8. Connect to desired iOS Device and Click Install, it will install the application on the device and now your app is ready for testing.

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