Using Wildnet With PDA
  • 10 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Using Wildnet With PDA

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Article summary


This documentation will help you with the steps to perform local testing from your machines using the Wildnet feature on the pCloudy Desktop Application (PDA). Incase you haven't downloaded or installed the PDA on your system or need help with the installation please click here.


  • Users should have already downloaded and installed the PDA application on their system

  • Users should be registered on the pCloudy platform.

  • Please ensure that the below mentioned URLs/IPs are allowed in your network

    • IP:
    • IP:
  • Enable the below mentioned ports for Wildnet feature

    • 80 -- HTTP
    • 443 -- HTTPS

Using PDA, users can use Debug proxy and Direct proxy.

These are option fields and present under the Advance tab

Debug Proxy

Debug Proxy is a Network traffic monitor that helps you to debug your network applications i.e. it lets you check if your REST API is working correctly, do latency check etc.

Here we have used Charles as an example.

E.g-: Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).


Steps to use Debug Proxy

  1. Enter Debug proxy

    • E.g-:
  2. For Charles proxy -> Open Charles Proxy

  3. Hover over the settings icon and choose Proxy Settings

  4. On the Proxies tab in the Proxy Settings Dialog box, you will find the Port number under the HTTP Proxy section.
    Please make a note of the proxy port listed.

  5. Open the pCloudy Desktop Assistant (PDA) on your system. Incase you haven't downloaded or installed the PDA on your system or need help with the installation please click here. Once you open the PDA application, you will need to fill in the field to authenticate.

  6. In the Advance section, you will need to enter the proxy port from Charles Proxy into the Debug proxy field.

  7. After entering the fields click on the arrow mark as shown in the video

  8. On successful authentication, user will see Wildnet

Steps to use wildnet

  1. Click on Wildnet tab
  2. Click on Activate button
  3. Once feature is activated, Go to the Device page in pCloudy platform, connect the device and click on Enable Wildnet.
  4. Open any local URL that needs to be tested and you can perform the local testing on the pCloudy platform seamlessly.

    Users can use wildnet feature on other clouds as well, if the user is registered with the same email address on other clouds.

  5. Now, you can go to Charles Proxy Inspector to inspect each request/response to check the Web Debugging performance.

Direct Proxy

In Direct Proxy: The browser/client is "proxy aware" and will actively send traffic to the Web Gateway. The client will try and directly communicate with its destination.

  • After entering the fields click on the arrow mark as shown in below screenshot
  • After successful authentication, user will see Wildnet

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