Object Spy
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Object Spy

  • Dark

Article summary


This feature enables pCloudy users to spy/inspect the app's structure on Android and iOS on the pCloudy platform.

One big advantage is its bilateral view which makes it easy for users to click on any element on one side and view the element details on the other side. Also, the generated script can be copied for future use.

Using ObjectSpy user can spy on an element, find an element and also perform actions to generate script.


  • User should be registered on the pCloudy platform.
  • Ensure that device is connected and application is already installed.

Steps to Enable Object Spy

  1. Select Object Spy mode from the left Pane under All Actions.
  2. Click on the Start on display to start the inspecting tool.
  3. Observe the inspection tools, elements attributes, values, etc is displayed on the docking section on the right.
  4. Select any element to inspect on the screen of the device. We have chosen the "Accept" button in our example.
  5. Once the attribute and the value of the element is highlighted, click on the copy icon to copy this information to use in your scripts.

Note: A success notification will appear to denote that the infomation is copied to the clipboard

  1. Click on the Exit Spy Mode to return the device to the Defaut Mode.

Note: The Quick Actions in the middle pane will be disabled until we exit the Object Spy Mode.

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